Attorney general enforcement
Each year, the Missouri Attorney General’s office takes action on member utilities and excavators who fail to comply with the Missouri Underground Facility Safety and Damage Prevention Act, RSMo Chapter 319.010-319.050.
Enforcement of the Underground Damage Prevention law results in penalties and warning letters issued to member utilities and excavators by the AG’s office.
If you feel there has been a violation to Chapter 319 be sure to document as much of the incident as possible such as date, time, address, name of company, person or persons involved, etc. If possible, take photographs of the incident.
Attorney General’s One-Call Unit
One Call Unit
State of Missouri Attorney General’s Office
P.O. Box 899
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Telephone: (573) 751-2290
Mail copies of your violation letters to:
One Call Unit
(Address above)
Kathleen McNelis
Missouri Public Service Commission
PO Box 360
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Andrew Bailey
Missouri Attorney General
Violation Letter Communication Templates
Violation letter templates have been created for you to use to communicate with those who you observe violating the 811 law.
Feel free to download the appropriate violation letter for your company to use.
Report these violations to the Attorney General’s One-Call Unit.